Your Self-Care Sanctuary and Community

Why The Walking Women?

We are women who understand that self-care is not just a choice, but a necessity for a healthy, thriving, and fulfilled life. 

The Walking Women community unites to embrace self-care through walking.

As we walk together, we create whole-self health, build lasting healthy habits, boost our self-confidence, and embark on a journey to discover inner peace.

  • If you haven't been taking care of yourself and want to do better, but are struggling to take the first step . . . 
  • If you running on empty, juggling multiple roles and responsibilities . . .
  • If you constantly defer your self-care to take care of “one more thing”. . .
  • If you want to be part of something that not only benefits you physically but also provides emotional and social support . . .

You're in the right place.

The Walking Women is your self-care sanctuary and community. We prioritize self-care, it’s sacred here.

And it’s real too. We recognize self-care needs to fit into the responsibilities of your life. And we understand the guilt that might come up when you take time for yourself.  We've been there!

The results you'll get.

Our community, courses and membership are pretty special. We’re focused on the ways it will make a huge difference in your life.

Here are a few of the things you'll be able to do as a member of The Walking Women:

  • Join a beautiful community of women committed to making walking their self-care habit.
  • Discover what whole self health (body, mind and spirit) feels like!
  • Gain support and motivation to establish and maintain your healthy walking habit, which boosts your self-confidence. 
  • Know that you have a community that understands your challenges and supports your journey. You are not alone.

So . . . about walking.

You know that walking is good for you but did you know walking is great for you? Walking creates whole-self health by treating or preventing over 100 diseases, it saves you time and money, it boosts creativity by 60% and also increases confidence, self-esteem and is a proven method of problem solving. And walking connects you to your deep wisdom and spirituality. All of this from a 25 minute daily walk. Walking is the best self-care in the world! If walking was a pill, it would be priceless.

Walking is priceless to me, it’s why I’m here—literally.

I’m Laura Boulay, devoted daily walker, founder of the One Million Women Walking Movement and your guide and walking partner here in The Walking Women. Walking—simply putting one foot in front of the other—helped me survive three major life crises.

The first crisis was going through divorce. That’s when I discovered the life-changing power of walking. 

The second crisis was a major health disaster—mold poisoning, which was very challenging to diagnose and extremely challenging to heal. Daily walking was a key component of my healing protocol. Unfortunately, I was completely disabled for months, which meant I couldn’t work. My business came to a screeching, ugly halt. But, as I got healthier day-by-day, walk-by-walk, ideas and inspirations came to me about how I could rebuild my business and that’s what I did!

The third crisis was the COVID-19 shutdown. Just as I was recovering from mold poisoning, COVID-19 shut the world down. My health care team placed me on solo quarantine because I was immunocompromised. I was alone and scared but I walked every day. My walks became my lifeline and my spiritual backbone, helping me not only survive but thrive during those overwhelming and unsure months. And, just like the walks during my detox and recovery months, my daily walks during solo quarantine brought me on-path ideas and inspirations that I gladly and successfully brought to my business. 

During each of those incredibly challenging periods in my life, walking saved me. I literally walked into the situation, kept on walking through it and walked out the other side—transformed, grateful and more amazed than ever by the life-changing, life-saving power of walking!

I also learned that self-care is sacrosanct. It’s non-negotiable if we want to live full, thriving lives. I firmly believe that we, as women, must take care of our whole self—body, mind, spirit—first and foremost. Only then can we truly take care of everyone and everything else.

In The Walking Women Community 

you’ll find a transformational journey designed just for you. I created our journey by combining everything I’ve learned from walking through life crises with the latest data on walking and habit forming. The result is Sole to Soul, Your Step-by-Step Success Path™. Sole to Soul is five simple steps that take you from where you are right now—deferring your self-care for the never ending To Do list, worried about your health, running on empty... to whole, healthy, resilient, confident and proud of yourself. 

I wanted a virtual women’s walking community because we can’t all walk together IRL but with a virtual community, we can connect easily in just minutes a day. Bonus: there’s an app just for our community. Walking together virtually gives you all the benefits of belonging to a community while allowing you to walk when and where walking best fits your life. I wanted you to have both: the flexibility to walk when it’s best for you and a community to support you. Yes, you get to have your cake and eat it too.  

 The Walking Women is your self-care sanctuary and community where you’ll find support, accountability, motivation and fun. Plus you’ll be rewarded for taking care of yourself. 

Here's Some of Your Member Benefits in The Walking Women:

  • Sole to Soul, Your Step-by-Step Success Path™.
  • Monthly Themes designed to inspire your whole self.
  • A Weekly Walking focus to pique your curiosity, motivate your habit building and move your business forward.
  • A community feed to share your walks, connect with other members, and support each other. 
  • Ongoing, every day guidance and encouragement from me.
  • Rewards for taking care of yourself.
  • An app for our Community, which makes it easy to participate, connect and get your walk on!
  • FREE access to all the One Million Women Walking courses, books and guides.

A brief note about what we aren’t!

  • We’re not a weight-loss community although you will get healthier as a member of The Walking Women.
  • We’re not a challenge-based community. We don’t measure steps or distance although you will find yourself inspired to walk a lot as a member of The Walking Women.
  • We’re not a goal-driven or competition-based community although you will achieve life and business goals as you continue your walking journey.

We are community of like-minded, like-hearted women supporting each other in prioritizing self-care because self-care isn’t selfish, it’s mission critical.

If you could . . .

become physically healthier, more at peace mentally, and more connected to your spiritual essence, what would that mean to you? And if you could become more resilient, productive in your work, better at problem solving, and more peaceful with yourself, what would that mean to you? Find out in The Walking Women.

I’m on a mission to share the life-changing, transformational power of walking with as many women as I possibly can. I believe that with more and more women walking for their self-care we’ll become a force for good that changes the world. More and more women living happy, healthy long lives can’t help but change families, communities, businesses. That’s the simple yet incredibly profound power of walking.

I’d love to have you join us today. I can’t wait to walk with you!

XO Laura

PS. I offer a First Week Free Trial. Put on your shoes and walk out the door with us to discover The Walking Women!